The Potential Side Effects of Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid found in hemp plants, and while it has similar effects to delta 9 THC, it is much less potent. While there is limited research on the effects of using Delta 8, consumers report mild euphoria, happiness, encouraging feelings, and pain relief. However, there are also potential adverse side effects that have been reported, such as confusion, anxiety, drowsiness, slow heart rate, numbness, fast heart rate, and low blood pressure. It is important to note that Delta 8 THC has not been approved or banned by the FDA and is not subject to the Controlled Substances Act.

However, certain states have rejected its use due to safety concerns. Additionally, young children and adolescents are at risk of accidentally taking Delta-8 as the packaging is often similar to CBD products. Very low doses of delta 8-THC have been found to increase food consumption and alter neurotransmitter levels after weight loss. It is also important to be aware that Delta-8 is largely produced by the synthetic conversion of cannabidiol (CBD) or delta-9 into delta-8 THC, which is illegal.

When considering using Delta 8 THC products, it is important to only buy from companies you can trust as there is a risk that harmful chemicals may be added to the product or that it may be more potent than advertised. Cannabis-induced psychosis is a rare but serious side effect of cannabis use that can be incredibly frightening for those who experience it. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with using Delta 8 THC.

Cédric Yoho
Cédric Yoho

Wannabe twitter lover. Amateur coffee advocate. Award-winning travel aficionado. Hipster-friendly twitter lover. Lifelong social media enthusiast.