Harvesting Hemp: A Step-by-Step Guide

Industrial hemp is a dynamic crop that is easy to grow, maintain and harvest. It also has a multitude of uses, from medicinal to manufacturing. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you start growing hemp seeds. The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has described how states and tribes can submit plans that allow producers to grow hemp in those areas.

Eligible hemp producers are eligible for several NRCS conservation programs, including the Environmental Quality Incentive Program, the Conservation Management Program, the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, and the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (If you have any).Harvesting hemp is a labor-intensive process that requires careful planning and execution. If you are harvesting hemp for its seeds (grain), you can use a harvester. For this purpose, the combined harvest is very efficient because of its ability to cut a strip about 40 feet wide across a field. Harvesters are great for harvesting hemp seeds on a large scale, but they can easily break seeds at moisture levels below 15%.

Harvesters can also increase levels of microbial contamination if hail or rain crush the strip of plants against the ground. Therefore, you should evaluate your field to determine the spinning potential and carefully adjust your settings for an optimal combined harvest. According to the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA), you'll have to experiment with soil velocity, concave openings and air velocity. Harvesting hemp for smoking flowers is a delicate process that requires careful attention to detail. Ripe, unharmed resin trichomes are vital to smokable hemp flowers because they contain most of the full spectrum of cannabinoids (CBD and THC) and terpenes that produce the plant's flavor, fragrance and therapeutic effects.

Through education, trial and error, and trial, you'll be ready to harvest your hemp for a successful commercial sale. Harvesting by hand will ensure that hemp flower heads remain clean and their resin trichomes remain intact. Harvesting hemp for CBD extraction is also done by hand. Like flowers that can be smoked, hemp for CBD extraction is harvested by its flower heads, which contain most of the cannabinoids that are then extracted into CBD oils, waxes and creams. But harvesting by hand also takes a lot of time and labor, so if this is your first time growing hemp, start small, with an acre or less. If you're growing hemp to get fiber from its stems, you'll want to plant it very close to get the most yield and select seeds that grow tall.

If you're growing hemp for seed production, you'll want to select strains that are shorter in height with lower fiber production. Hemp growers may be eligible for FSA agricultural loans, such as operating loans, property loans, for beginning farmers and for agricultural storage facilities. They had to destroy plants that grew “hot”, meaning that THC levels exceeded the legal limit of 0.3%.If you have any questions about industrial hemp cultivation, the hemp cultivation process, or anything related to industrial hemp cultivation in Nashville, TN, feel free to contact Canvast Supply Co.

Cédric Yoho
Cédric Yoho

Wannabe twitter lover. Amateur coffee advocate. Award-winning travel aficionado. Hipster-friendly twitter lover. Lifelong social media enthusiast.